Our School
Fallingbrook is truly a neighbourhood community school, positioned on a large property adjacent to serviced parkland. Our students have access to soccer fields, a baseball diamond, a fitness structure and an outdoor rink, as well a play structure on our Primary yard. We accommodate many community needs, which encourages an ongoing dialogue between the school and the families of our community. Our goal is to establish a positive and enjoyable school climate for students, staff and parents alike. This positive school culture prepares our students to become life-long learners. In addition, Fallingbrook will strive to provide a wide range of extracurricular activities in the arts and in physical recreation so that children will be motivated and encouraged to be responsible citizens of the future and well-balanced individuals within our school, country and the global community. We are a balanced school day, with two recesses and two nutrition breaks.
Our Students
The approximate enrolment at Fallingbrook is 310 students. Approximately 30% of our population is registered in the Regular English Program and the 70% in Early French Immersion.
Our Staff
Our dedicated staff of approximately 35 professionals includes teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, custodians, office administrators and the administrative team. They all work together in a professional learning community directed at promoting academic excellence for every student. Additional staff expertise in Special Education, computers, athletics and music further enrich the learning experience of our students.
Our staff members continually upgrade their skills by attending summer courses, school, board and ministry initiative workshops and seminars and other professional development opportunities. Our school community also benefits from the services of a Library Technician.
Our Community
We are proud of the level of parent participation at Fallingbrook. We have a School Council and a Parent Teacher Council (PTC) which provide opportunities for parents and teachers to work together in order to improve the social and academic programs for all students.
For the past 34 years, PTC fund-raising has enabled us to enhance the curriculum by purchasing early literacy books, library bookshelves, audio visual equipment, media carts and projectors, climbers, physical education equipment, an electronic scoreboard, stage lighting for the gymnasium and True Sport banners.
Mission Statement
“We at Fallingbrook Community Elementary School believe that our school should be a safe, challenging and effective learning community with a positive and healthy school climate that will nurture responsibility, excellence and respect for our surroundings and the rights of others.”
Our school motto is proudly displayed in our school office: Together, we will soar to new heights.
Facilities and Resources
The main building includes a divided double gym, a community room and a music room. Global Child-care Centre is also on-site to provide an extended day program for JK to Grade 5 students, before and after school.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Fallingbrook is a dual-track JK to grade 8 school. Our solid regular program from JK to grade 8 parallels an equally solid SK to grade 8 Early French Immersion program. Fallingbrook’s instrumental music program is offered in grades 7 and 8.
Special Education Programs
Our special education team includes a Learning Support Teacher (LST), for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 and two, part-time Learning Resource Teachers (LRT), as well as two special education teachers who teach 8 junior and intermediate students in each system OCDSB Learning Disability class. This exceptional team works collaboratively with staff to provide specialized support to our primary, junior and intermediate students in language arts and mathematics. As an inclusive school, we value and respect the contributions that each student can make to our learning environment.