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Community Update

Good afternoon Fallingbrook families.

We would like to wish a happy Nowruz, the Persian New Year to those celebrating! Nowruz is a beautiful celebration marking the arrival of spring and the beginning of the new year, observed by millions of people around the world, including many families in our school community. 

Congratulations to the Junior Boys’ and Junior Girls’ Basketball teams who competed in the regional tournaments at our school. Both teams played hard and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. Thanks to Coaches R. McGrath and T. McGrath for all of their hard work. There are some new opportunities for our students to participate in, namely intermediate badminton, pickleball for junior students, junior makerspace, and the choir. We encourage all students to get involved in these fun opportunities. 

We also had a great presentation today, entitled ‘A Musical Journey Through Latin America’.

We would also like to welcome Ms. Jesmer, a Reading Intervention Teacher from the board, who will be providing additional support to small groups of primary students over the course of the next five weeks. 

With the warmer weather we’re encouraging students to stay away from puddles, but in the event that they get wet, thanks for having extra clothing on site in a labelled baggie.

We hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Jeremy Nowiski and Michelle Minogue

PTC Egg Hunt- PTC welcomes you and your family to an Egg Hunt. Join us on Friday, April 18th at 10 am, 10:15 am, or 10:30 am for a fun egg hunt activity, as well as free allergy-safe treats, sweets, and hot chocolate. Kindly register using the following Google doc to help us make this a fun event with plenty of goodies for all! Parental supervision is required.  Egg Hunt Registration

Upcoming Dates

  • March 24-25-26 Walk Safe Presentations
  • March 28 - PA Day (no school for students)
  • March 29-April 1  Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) 
  • April 8 - Grade 8 and Senior Kindergarten photos
  • April 18-21 Easter Holiday (schools are closed)
  • May 7- Spring Concert at night
  • June 20- Grade 8 School Leaving Ceremony

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