Message from the Principal

Good afternoon Fallingbrook families,
This year our motto continues to be ‘Falcons Never Give Up’, and we see our students striving to do their best in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Ways that we can all build resilience in our children are to:
- make them feel safe, protected and valued,
- show sensitivity to their needs and feelings,
- interact regularly with them,
- play games that foster problem-solving and self-control, and
- always look for a solutions-based approach.
It’s going to be very cold next week. If it’s colder than -25’C students stay inside for recess. If it’s warmer than -25’C students are expected to be dressed for outdoor recess. Please ensure and encourage your children to wear their hats, mitts and jackets at all times.
Thanks for your ongoing support, and have a great weekend!
Jeremy Nowiski and Michelle Minogue
Information and Updates:
Elementary Program Review - The OCDSB has released proposed changes to be implemented in the 2026-2027 school year. For up to date information families and caregivers are encouraged to visit
Acro-Roping - Fallingbrook’s Acro-roping Club is starting soon! This activity is being offered to students in Grades 4 - 8. Acro-roping will take place after school on Thursday afternoons in the gym from 3:45 - 4:45 p.m., beginning February 20th until April 17th. Acro-roping combines traditional skipping with jumping on a low trampoline (plywood installed on four foam blocks). Students progress through a series of skipping skills, earning stickers for their rope to mark their achievement. There are also sticker awards for speed skipping. An information meeting was held on Thursday for interested students. If your child missed the meeting but would like to join, information letters with a permission form and skipping rope order are available in the office. Rope orders must be submitted to the office by Thursday, January 23. We're looking forward to another great year with the club! If you have any questions, please email Janet Stooke:
Junior and Intermediate Basketball - The coaches have been busy getting ready for the upcoming basketball season. Tournaments will be at the end of February / early March.
Outdoor Skating - Many of our classes are going skating with their classes. What a great way to enjoy the winter! Thank you to our many volunteers who help to make this possible. A reminder that everyone on the ice (even parents) are required to wear a winter sport helmet.
School Council - Next Meeting Tuesday January 21st at 6:30pm
Financial Assistance - Please email if you would like financial assistance for milk, pizza or intermediate winter activities
Acadience Reading Screener - As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that all children receive the support they need, the Early Reading Screener was administered early in the school year. The results of these measures were shared with parents & caregivers at that time. These results will also appear on the Term 1 Report Card. Please note that this checkmark reflects the beginning-of-year data while the marks and comments reflect your child’s learning since that time.
EQAO - Join EQAO staff for a free live webinar to learn about the math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in Ontario’s large-scale assessments. EQAO assessments are written by all Ontario students in Grades 3, 6 and 9. Registration link:
Note: the same webinar will be offered on Tuesday, January 28 from 6:30 – 7:30pm and on Tuesday, February 18 from 6:30 – 7:30pm. Choose your preferred date when you register.
Save the Date:
January 21 - PTC meeting at 6:30pm in the library, all are welcome
January 24 - PA Day (No school for students) January 28 - School Cash Online closes for milk and Intermediate Winter Activities
February 3 - MADD presentations for Intermediates
February 13 - Friday Schedule
February 13 - Intermediate Winter Activities
February 14 - P.A.Day
February 17 - Family Day, No school for students
February 20 - Intermediate Winter Activities